I took December off of weeknotes! There’s been a lot going on this month – even outside classic holiday craziness. This note will be a bit longer since it’s spanning the last month (monthnotes?)
Went on a cross country amtrak trip! (post coming soon) and it was quite amazing. One of the best things I’ve ever done.
I’ve been getting into web animations, learning about memory leaks in React, and updating my professional site as a means to learn + improve
I love astro so much that I removed Sanity CMS from my NextJS professional site and implemented a custom solution to mirror Astro’s file structure of content vs. code while using Markdown. It was a feat but so so so worth it.
Made a holiday themed nail set – a new favorite of mine
Ate lots of good food, had a lot of good laughs, and attempted to rest
I signed up for a maker space, and I couldn’t be more excited. They have knitting & embroidery machines.
My partner added hoarder to our self hosted server and it’s been such a game changer. The link goblin in me is very happy. If you’re looking for a self hosted bookmark manager, this one is it.
I had a great time organizing my system of bookmarks/memes with various tags and into lists. You know me and my lists.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish in 2025 and how I want to allocate my time. I’m currently writing up some goals and a ✨plan✨, but I think I need to reframe my approach to goal setting/follow through.
I am really good at setting goals, and not so good at keeping them lol.
Please email me if you have any advice for long term goal management!
website updates
I finally added my own links page! It still needs more buttons & more links. Please send me an email if you want to be on my button wall :-)
Added the world’s smallest update to my le pull london bonnet entry - lord give me strength to come back to this project lol
Fields of Mistria has CONSUMED ME. Help. I can’t stop playing this game, and I need more of it injected directly into my veins. This is one of the most fun farming games I’ve played since Stardew Valley, and I can’t wait for the full release! What’s available in early access is so impressive, but I need MOOOOORE.
I’ve been playing Coffee Talk Episode 2 before bed and it’s just as much of a delight as the first game. I love to see the returning characters and getting to know the new ones. These games are just oh very human, and it warms my soul.
I’ve been emulating a lot of old games as well, and playing Spyro: A Hero’s Tail has been very nostalgic, even if the gameplay and level design don’t hold up oooof.